Thursday, March 13, 2008

slick shoes!

as mike and i were walking out of the pittsburgh youth network meeting last week, i said to him, "i think i'm in a slick shoes mood." so i popped the biggest and the best into the player and it's been steady there for the last week. who would have known that last saturday was their first show in their reunited state? and that you can find vids from it on youtube? (i had heard a while back that the original members were getting back together - i guess now's the time) :) (oh, and you'll have to trust me, but i can sing along better on "for better or for worse" than the crowd at that show)

the songs? fall & for better or for worse:

Lord I'm distracted by so many things of the world. My eyes always stray from you, but you are always watching over me. I don't know how you could stand having me as your son. I'm always so selfish and you are always so kind. Lord, you're always there for me. Without you I don't know what I would do. You're always there for me, without you I don't know what I would do. When everything is going well I rarely stop and thank you. But, when nothing is going right I stop and complain to you. Don't let me fall.

"for better or for worse"
Sitting alone, in the rain, one day you came and sat by me. When I looked up, you just smiled and said hello and I saw your pretty face. I never knew what it would be. I never knew you'd care for me. When I think of how it's changed, for better or worse, we'll have to see. All those times you looked at me that way. And I know everything will be o.k. Thinking of your smile, it hurts to see you cry. All those times that you were sad, you never told me why. I know that we are still growing, not knowing what's to come. But only God knows what He has in store for us.

...oh yeah, and remember that they got their name from this kid's line in the goonies?

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