Tuesday, September 25, 2007


there is a satisfaction or a frustration that arises with growth or the lack thereof. i guess that's my basic premise.

we've been filled with great joy this year that the garden has produced so bountifully, AND i've heard mother complain several times that she's never spending any more money on mums, cause they always seem to fail miserably.

when i stop to think about it, this is just what paul's saying in i corinthians 3... that some plant and some water, but only God can make it grow. why is the garden so much better this year than the last couple? because we did anything differently? no. the weather has been just about perfect. (we even had great corn!!!) are we doing something wrong with the mums? not really - it just may be that the name "hardy" is a lie. (and even this morning i saw that one of them is currently taunting her outside her window with it's full display of orange bloom that she doubted would ever come)

real life. my life. it's about pouring into people - teenagers mostly. let me tell you - tons of joy when there is growth and pain and frustration when there isn't. but i am reminded, God is in control of the growth. i need to stick to my part - planting seed, watering - and rejoice in the Lord (always) who is my strength. (rather than being angry about a vine like jonah)

apart from Him i can do NOTHING!


Sarah said...

I'm feeling the same way today. Odd, maybe 2 weeks after you. Except, the growth I'm struggling with is in my own life. I'd like to wave a magic wand and have all this striving junk over with. But it strikes me that God can't "make it grow" unless some are planting and some are watering. I guess I'm "some". Better get busy doing some gardening.

Natalie said...

I wish growth happened in Chia Pet time. That's practically instant. Thanks for sharing.

Sarah said...

hey number 5. are you really alive?

number 5 said...

hmmm - for some reason, we were discussing a "chia car" the other night... oh, and a fake plush falldown santa