Monday, May 17, 2010

on prayer

speaking of how Jeremiah begins his prayer in Jeremiah 32:16-25:

"This prayer is rich in its praise of the attributes of God. Jeremiah worships God for His omnipotence and omniscience, for His love and justice. His prayer is informed by his doctrine of God.

The same ought to be true of the prayers of every Christian. You must have a theology before you can have a prayer life. Knowing the character of God precedes having intimacy with Him through prayer. Too many prayers are superficial in their grasp of the character of God. Instead, they ought to be saturated with the praise of His glorious attributes."
Philip Ryken, Courage to Stand: Jeremiah's Message for Post-Christian Times

1 comment:

Jack Hager said...

I got to hear him preach as I fulfilled something on my bucket list in Feb...finally went to Tenth Presbyterian for worship...just before he announced that he was leaving to take over Wheaton...thanks for following the proverbs thing...and for commenting occasionall...