Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 randoms from last night

first, on lost, there was one of the greatest lines... ever. during a particularly tense situation, jack asked ben "how can you read?" ben's response: "my mother taught me how." totally deadpan... i LOVE it!

second, i've been reading a devotional by jerry bridges, holiness day by day. last night's was dealing with Titus 2:11-12. he gives a very helpful and convicting definition for "ungodliness":

"ungodliness in its broadest form basically comprises disregarding God, ignoring Him, or not taking Him into account in one's life. it's a lack of fear and reverence for Him... a person may be highly moral and even benevolent and still be ungodly."

i've definitely been chewing on that one a bunch! the coolest part? God's grace trains us to renounce ungodliness! :)


Jennifer said...

Um, didn't Ben's mom die in childbirth?

number 5 said...

um, she commented on my blog...

Jennifer said...

Um, yes, but I'm not the mom of the Ben about which your blog was commenting on.