Friday, January 16, 2009

baby it's COLD outside...

(though def not as cold as minn/wisc... we are soft!) so last night, i was a little reluctant to go out to the car to go home. i wound up following a little trail on the internet, that i will now lead you down. why, you ask? because the end results are a couple really cool things that i found!

(keep in mind, this is all occurring while i'm having a conversation with matt clutter on the facebook)

last week, rachel had commented on my blog that she had gotten my message to levi. however, when she asked me this week if i had seen her message, well, i had not. so i read it last night and then clicked to look if she had updated. seeing her profile, part of her "interests" intrigued me: bible quizzing. hmmmm, i thought, i wonder who all i might know of all the bloggers who are interested in bible quizzing. who did i happen to find? teens for Christ northwest! i read on their blog about an online practice quiz generator (i probably should have noticed that the entry was from 2004) which was located on their homepage. the generator's not there, but i DID find two gems: reftagger and wordle.

reftagger allows me to type in a reference such as my life verse, Hebrews 4:12, and as long as i capitalize it, the reader can scroll over the reference and see the verse! without me having to worry about linking to bible gateway or anything else...

wordle in simple terms makes word art. the input comes from your entered text OR from an rss or atom feed. what is really cool is that the words are sized by how often they occur. the really sweet art on tfc's site shows the gospel of luke, and which are the 400 words that most frequently occur (it can weed out common words like "the" and "a" and "and").
Wordle: Luke 300 bw (oh, this one's actually only the top 300 words...)

i was like, COOL! so i experimented awhile. here are some of my creations:

Wordle: Godspeed by Mortal
Godspeed by mortal

Wordle: For Levi
dr. seuss's ABCs
for my little cousin levi
(i removed the words "big", "little", and "begins" cause they dwarfed everything!)

Wordle: some will seek forgiveness
some will seek forgiveness, others escape by underoath

Wordle: sunday
sunday, bloody sunday by u2

Wordle: running to stand still
running to stand still by u2

Wordle: every new day
every new day by five iron frenzy

Wordle: come thou fount
come thou fount of every blessing

Wordle: hebrews 4:12
Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

Wordle: stare at the sun
stare at the sun by thrice

1 comment:

rachel=awesum :) said...

sweet! yay i played a part in this amazing discovery!