so it seems that you don't have to look very hard these days to find a celebrity sex scandal. (and i don't think it's necessary for me to post links to make that point...) while it is highly disappointing (especially when it's the team i like or the guy from the show i like or the sport i play), as a christian who understands the nature of sin and the universal effects of the fall, it is not really all that surprising. and for God? definitely not...
i was reading Numbers 15:37-41 about putting tassels on robes as a reminder to obey God's law and "not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after." God KNOWS my inclination!!! (and gives a pretty creative way to fight it)
we've been talking a lot recently in sunday school class about Colossians 1:15-20 where paul is listing characteristics of Christ: God, creator, sustainer, ruler, purpose, reconciler, etc... these are the glasses i need to keep on to have a clear view of the world, but i tend to neglect and forget them. this is the message which i need to be proclaiming with my lips and with my life. too often, however, i act like the king and purpose of my existence. too often, i whore after my own passions and pleasures... after other little gods...
so if you see me with tassels or like ernie with strings on my fingers, know that i am trying to remember, because God knows that my proclivity is to forget!
keep me mindful of You, O Lord! keep me ever in Your Word and Your Word in me! may i love and long for the means of grace and be faithful to them! may i be a reminder for others and may others remind me of You!
btw - HERE is a great sermon on the colossians 1 passage!
47 minutes ago