Hebrews 13:7 Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
thought i'd make at least a partial list in obedience to this verse (praise God for each of these faithful ones!):
Ethel Richman
Sue Richman
John Richman
Ted Nusser
Dorothy Nusser
Martha Gaston
Helen Lockwood
Ralph McAuley
Phylis Tittle
Irene Reese
Rachel Schafer
Alberta Conley
Ruth Ann Carter
Jim Thomson
Shirley Cannon
Jim Lockwood
Wayne Christen
Scott Chamberlain
Jill Lawrence
Karen Montgomery (nee Young)
Mark Montgomery
Johnny Williams
Bruce Cicchese
Jim Cicchese
Jeff Wright
Diane Wright
Mike Prom
Mark Dunn
Steve Lorah
4 hours ago